Value Betting Guide – How To Get The Most Value Out Of Making Bets

Value betting is a strategy used to identify and capitalize on discrepancies between the odds and the actual probability.

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In the world of online betting, value betting changes the game. It lets bettors beat bookmakers by finding markets with odds that offer a positive Expected Value (EV). By understanding the true probability of an outcome and looking at team dynamics and player form, bettors can make the most of odds from online betting sites like

Knowing what is value betting is crucial to getting good at this strategy. When done right, the value betting system can lead to big profits over time, even with ups and downs in the short term. To make the most money, you need good data, analytical skills, and sometimes, advanced betting software to find where odds favor the bettor.

By using value betting, sports fans can turn their knowledge into money. They can take advantage of market gaps and beat bookmakers regularly. This guide will cover the basics of value betting. It will give you the insights and tools to get the best value from your bets.

Introduction to Value Betting

Value betting is a strategy in the betting market aiming to find bets where the odds are higher than the real chance of winning. This approach helps bettors beat the house and make profits over time.

For example, if a sportsbook offers sports betting odds of 3.0 (33.33% probability) for the St. Louis Cardinals to win, but you think they have a 50% chance, you’ve found a value bet. This gap is where smart bettors make their money by using their knowledge and analysis.

To find value in a bet, use the formula: Value = (Odds * Your Estimated Probability) – 1. If you get a value of 0.25 in a Sporting KC game, it means there’s value and profit potential in the bet.

The Kelly Criterion helps manage bankroll in value betting. It sets the right bet size based on expected value and outcome probabilities. For instance, if you think a team has a 52% chance to win at 2.15 odds, the Kelly formula suggests a 10.4% stake. Using a Kelly divider of 7 reduces this to 1.5%.

In dynamic betting markets, odds change often. Value bettors need timely and accurate info to take advantage of these changes. Being patient and consistent is crucial, as only about 2-3% of bettors make a steady profit.

Bookmakers add a profit margin, known as the “vig” or “overround,” which lowers the value for bettors. Spotting and using incorrect pricing by bookmakers can make bettors long-term winners. This method focuses on finding overpriced odds, not on promotions or bonuses.

The Closing Line Value (CLV) is a key indicator of betting success, often accurate near match time. Tools like RebelBetting, which update algorithms to find top bets, have hit the CLV over 80% of the time. This shows how effective a good value betting strategy can be.

In the end, value betting needs a deep understanding of betting odds and event probabilities. By using these insights to find overpriced odds, bettors can make long-term profits in the competitive sports betting odds world.

What is Value Betting?

Value betting is a strategy that aims to find bets where the odds are higher than the real chance of winning. This method can lead to making money over time. It’s important to understand this concept if you want to earn more from betting.


At its core, value betting means comparing the odds with the real chance of an event happening. If the odds suggest a lower chance than the actual probability, the bet has value. To bet on value, you need to know how to spot these differences.

Understanding the Concept

To get what a value bet is, you need to know about probability and odds. Probability shows how likely an event is to happen. Odds are how bookmakers show this probability for betting. To find the implied probability from decimal odds, just divide 1 by the decimal odds. For example, 2.50 in decimal odds means the event is likely to happen 40% of the time.

For fractional odds, the formula is a bit different. It’s Denominator / (Denominator + Numerator). So, 2/1 fractional odds mean the event has a 33.33% chance, which could be a good bet if you think it’s more likely.

American odds, or moneyline odds, also have their own way of calculating. For positive odds like +200, use 100 / (Moneyline odds + 100). For negative odds like -150, it’s Moneyline odds / (Moneyline odds + 100).

Probability (%)Decimal OddsFractional OddsMoneyline OddsWinnings on $100 Bet

A true value bet happens when the odds are lower than what you think the chance is. For example, if you think a team has a 50% chance of winning but the odds are 2.50, it’s a good bet. To figure out the value, use Value = (Odds * Probability) – 1. If the value is more than 0, the bet is a good one.

How Does Value Betting Work?

Value betting is a strategy that gives bettors an advantage by finding and using odds that are not fair. To grasp how does value betting work, we need to look at how true probability and betting odds are calculated.

True Probability and Betting Odds

At the heart of value betting is figuring out the true chance of an event happening. This is a key step in seeing if the odds offered are good. Tools like BetBurger or OddsJam help spot these differences.

Bookies often set odds to favor popular teams, but smart bettors can use this to their advantage. Teams with lots of fans, like the San Francisco 49ers or Manchester United, often have odds that don’t match their real chances. This makes them great for value betting.

By always checking and comparing odds to true probabilities, bettors can find and use these opportunities. Even though bookies use complex stats and public opinion, a sharp eye can still find the gaps for value betting.

Finding and Calculating Value Bets

Looking for value bets means comparing odds and doing statistical analysis, often with the help of betting tools. The expected value formula betting is key here. It helps find bets where the odds are higher than the calculated true probability, giving bettors an edge.

Here’s a summary of value betting statistics:

Initial Bankroll1000€, resulting in a 1520% ROI
Average Bets Placed per Day70 to 160 bets, increasing on weekends
Most Profitable Bookmakerbet365, yielding 11,995€ with a 5.9% yield
Profit from Off-the-radar BookmakerApproximately 7,000€
Total Profit (Latest Update)42.26k€

Always comparing odds is crucial. On sites like BetBurger, bettors can spot live value betting chances as odds change during events. Being quick to act on these chances is key.

Value betting can lead to small wins over time. Using more accounts can increase profits, as shown by bettors managing four accounts. Value betting is about betting where the true chance of winning is lower than the bookmaker’s odds. This strategy leads to profits by turning small advantages into big wins over time. Understanding and using the expected value formula betting can greatly benefit bettors.

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Examples of Value Betting

Value betting is key in sports betting. It means placing bets where the odds are higher than the real chance of the event happening. This often happens when bookies miss important details like player fatigue or minor injuries. It’s a method that can lead to steady and long-term profits because it’s based on a systematic approach.

Real-Life Scenarios

Many sports betting fans use value betting to find odds that don’t match the real chances of an event. For example, in soccer, bookies might set wrong odds because they don’t know about team issues. Betting on a team like Borussia Dortmund, with a 27% chance of winning, should have odds of at least 3.70. If you find odds higher than that, it’s a good chance to bet.

  1. Dortmund 27% = Minimum Profitable Odds 3.70
  2. Tie 22% = Minimum Profitable Odds 4.55
  3. Munich 50% = Minimum Profitable Odds 2.00

Case Study: Tennis Match

Imagine a tennis match where a top player is tired, something the bookies didn’t notice. The player might have a 47.62% chance of winning, but the odds are set at 2.10. If you think the player’s true chance is a bit higher, and you find odds of 2.20, it’s a great spot to bet.

Let’s say a player’s true chance of winning is 45%. The minimum odds you should get are about 2.22. Betting at odds above this can increase your expected value and lead to more profits over time.

EventTrue Probability (%)Minimum Profitable OddsOffered Odds
Tennis Player (Fatigue Considered)49%2.042.20
Soccer Match: Dortmund Win27%3.703.80
Soccer Match: Munich Win50%2.002.10

To do well in value betting, you need to know the true chances of events happening. By analyzing matches, looking at real-life situations, and using tools to compare odds, you can make a winning strategy. This method works not just in sports betting but also in finding good bets in poker, offering steady wins across different betting areas.

Is Value Betting Profitable?

Looking into is value betting profitable, we see it can be very profitable over time. Many have made 8% to 12% return on investment over years. This shows value betting can be a good way to make money.

Long-term ROI

Value betting makes money by earning a steady income over time. For example, a Swedish user made about 52,000 SEK (5,096 EUR) in six months. Another user doubled their money in less than two months. This success comes from finding bets that are priced too high. By using true odds and comparing them to what bookmakers offer, like Pinnacle, bettors can make more money.

Profitability Compared to Other Strategies

Value betting is better than arbitrage betting in many ways. Arbitrage betting is safer but doesn’t make as much money. Value betting, on the other hand, can bring in 8%-12% returns by finding good bets.

Here’s a table showing how value betting and arbitrage betting compare:

StrategyAverage ROIRisk LevelProfit Potential
Value Betting8%-12%Low to ModerateHigh
Arbitrage Betting2%-3%ZeroLow

Value betting is consistently profitable, as shown by users worldwide. A UK user made £4,515 in two and a half months with Value Betting. This shows how much money you can make with this strategy. If you’re thinking about betting value, the facts show it can lead to big profits over time. It’s all about doing it smart and consistently.

Benefits of Value Betting

Value betting is better than traditional betting because it uses math to find bets with more profit potential.

Advantages Over Traditional Betting

Value betting has a scientific way to spot winning bets. It’s different from betting based on luck or gut feelings. It looks at the real chance of an event happening.

This approach cuts down the bookmaker’s edge by finding odds that don’t match the real probability. Traditional betting often has a profit margin of less than 10%. But, anything more is hard to keep up with.

For example, popular teams might have lower odds because fans prefer them. This makes the true probability different from the odds. Value betting in poker and sports uses data to be more strategic than traditional betting.

Long-Term Profit Potential

Value betting can lead to big profits over time because it’s based on math. Bettors use their knowledge of odds to find bets where the bookmaker undervalues them. This way, they can make money consistently.

The idea of expected value shows how this can work. Expected Value = (True Probability * Odds) – 1. This formula shows how likely a bet is to make money. With the right tools or calculations, bettors can make sure their bets are profitable. Also, digital wallets like Skrill make it easy to compare odds and place bets. This makes finding good betting chances easier for bettors.

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Value Betting in Sports

Value betting is big in sports like football, basketball, and tennis. Each sport has its own ways to find overvalued odds. Bettors focus on certain sports to use their deep knowledge of teams and players. This helps them find chances to win where others don’t see them.

Popular Sports for Value Betting

Each sport has its own value betting chances. To understand value betting, spot sports where odds often get too high. Here are some top sports for finding value bets:

  • Football: It’s a top sport for value betting because of lots of stats and matches.
  • Basketball: The fast game and changing scores make it great for finding odds mismatches.
  • Tennis: Tennis is simple to predict because it’s one-on-one, based on player skills and past matches.
  • Cricket: In places like India, cricket is big, offering value in match results, player skills, and live betting.

Strategies for Different Sports

To make the most of value betting, you need strategies for each sport. Here are some good strategies for different sports:

FootballUse stats to find teams that are underrated.
Take advantage of live betting as odds change.
Look at odds from different bookies to find the best deal.
BasketballLook at how teams have done in similar games before.
Check player stats and injuries to guess the game’s outcome.
Watch for team and coaching changes.
TennisStudy how players have matched up and their current form.
Think about the surface when judging a player’s performance.
Use live betting to take advantage of changes in the game.
CricketDeep dive into player and team stats.
Consider weather and pitch when evaluating players.
Use live betting to react to the game’s flow.

Value betting in sports is more than just knowing about it. It’s about doing research, using tools, and keeping up with sports news. Bettors who work on these skills can gain an edge in sports betting and boost their winnings over time.

Value Betting in Poker

In the world of poker, value betting is key. It’s about making the most money by having the best hand. Not spotting a value bet can mean leaving a lot of money behind.

Knowing what your opponents might do is vital for a successful value bet. For example, with AK against an opponent’s weak hand, you can bet big and win more. This strategy works well when you have a strong hand.

Understanding your opponents’ hands helps you decide how big your bets should be. Strong hands tend to call big bets, while weak ones fold. This helps you get the most value from your hands.

Value betting also means making small bets in tough spots. Betting with a hand like A♥4♥ can still get you money from weaker hands. It takes a good grasp of the game and your opponent’s moves.

Value betting in poker also means managing different hands well:

  • Hands like pocket 22s work best by making others fold, not by hoping for a flush.
  • Hands like QQ don’t gain much from bets or folds, so they’re not good for value betting.
  • Bluffs, like Q♥9♠ with only 12% equity when called, are used often to balance your bets.

Top poker players use GTO strategies to balance their bets and bluffs. They look at equity, fold equity, and future bets. This helps them make more money over time.

Understanding value betting means seeing chances to bet for value or use bluffs later. It’s all about adapting to the game’s changes.

AKValue Bet84% against calling range
9♣6♣Pure Bluff74% equity causing folds
9♥6♥Semi-Bluff36% against calling range
Pocket 22sSemi-Bluff/Pure BluffGains more from folds than flush draw
A♥4♥Pure Value BetRespectable when called
QQNo BetNo significant value from calls or folds
Q♥9♠High-Frequency Bluff12% equity when called
A8oFuture Value BetDoes not require immediate pot growth

Value Betting Tips and Best Practices

Using the right tips and practices is key to making more money and staying successful over time. Advanced tools and techniques can help you stand out in this competitive field.

Tools and Software Recommendations

For serious bettors, advanced tools and software are a must. Platforms like RebelBetting offer great solutions to find value bets fast. They gather data from many bookmakers, showing bets that are cheaper than they should be. Using a value bet finder can also make finding profitable bets easier.

For poker fans, adding value betting to your strategy might need special software. Tools like PokerTracker or Hold’em Manager help analyze your gameplay. This lets you make smarter bets based on data.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Many people make mistakes in value betting. Avoiding these can improve your chances of winning.

  • Emotional Betting: Don’t bet because you feel like it. Always use data and probability to decide.
  • Ignoring Bankroll Management: A good bankroll plan is key to handling the ups and downs of betting.
  • Not Shopping Around: Not checking odds at different places can mean missing out on better bets.
  • Misinterpreting Implied Probability: Getting the true chance of an event wrong can lead to bad bets. For example, knowing that Liverpool has a 55% chance of winning helps you understand the odds better.

Knowing the bookmakers’ margin is also important. For instance, ‘Both Teams To Score’ at 1.95 has an implied probability of 51.3%, while ‘No BTTS’ at 1.85 has an implied probability of 54.1%. This shows a 5.4% edge for the bookmaker. Spotting this edge helps find real value bets.

Finally, keep track of your bets over time. Recording each bet, including the amount and result, improves your betting system. This helps you build a winning strategy. Long-term success comes from beating the closing line and finding bets where the bookmakers have misjudged the probability.

Common MistakeSolution
Emotional BettingAlways rely on data and calculated probabilities.
Ignoring Bankroll ManagementImplement a robust bankroll management strategy.
Not Shopping AroundCompare odds across multiple bookmakers.
Misinterpreting Implied ProbabilityUnderstand and correctly calculate implied probabilities.

Following these tips and using a disciplined approach can boost your chances of making money over time. Remember, these strategies work well for value betting in poker and other sports too.

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How Much Money Do You Need to Start Value Betting?

Starting with value betting means you need to manage your money well. The amount you start with depends on your goals and situation. It’s key to manage your bankroll and stick to a staking plan to reduce risks and increase potential gains.

Bankroll Management

For beginners, it’s wise to begin with about €500 Euro. This amount helps you handle losses and grab chances in the betting market. If you have €1,000-2,000 Euro, focus on value betting to stay flexible and keep risks low. With €2,000-10,000 Euro, you can choose between value or sure betting for a balanced way to make money.

Staking Plans and Systems

Using good staking plans and systems is vital. The Kelly Criterion is a great tool for figuring out the best bet size. It protects your money while helping it grow. Starting with a disciplined plan can lead to big wins. For instance, someone with €2,500 has made over €11,000, showing the power of a well-planned approach.

Bankroll TypeRecommended Starting AmountSuitable Betting StrategyAverage ROI/month
Minimum Bankroll€500Value Betting30%+
Small Bankroll€1,000 – €2,000Value Betting30%+
Medium Bankroll€2,000 – €10,000Value or Sure BettingN/A
Large Bankroll€10,000 – €25,000Multiple StrategiesN/A

Simulations show that with a 1% edge, value betting can grow your bankroll over time. Even after 300 bets, you could still keep a good part of your starting money. Success in value betting comes from careful bankroll management and smart staking plans. Many users have seen big wins by starting small and growing their bets with discipline.

Other Top Betting Strategies to Try

Value betting is a well-known strategy in sports betting. But, arbitrage betting and matched betting also offer chances to make money. These methods use the sports betting market in special ways. They take advantage of differences in betting odds and bookmaker offers.

Arbitrage Betting

Arbitrage betting means placing bets on all outcomes of an event with different bookies. This way, you can make a profit no matter the result. It works by using odds differences across the betting market.

  • Advantages:
    • It has low risk compared to regular betting.
    • You can lock in profits.
  • Considerations:
    • You need accounts with several bookies.
    • You must act fast to use odds changes.

Matched Betting

Matched betting uses bookmaker promotions to make sure you profit, no matter the event’s outcome. It’s all about using odds smartly in the sports betting market.

  • Advantages:
    • You can make risk-free profits with bookmaker offers.
    • It’s good for both new and experienced bettors.
  • Considerations:
    • You need to keep an eye on promotional offers and bets.
    • You must understand the terms of bookmaker promotions.


The journey into value betting shows its power as a strong and profitable strategy in sports betting. It uses the gap between true odds and what bookmakers offer to give bettors an edge. This is for those who use their analytical skills and tools well.

This system is all about finding and betting on odds that are too low. It’s different from betting based on gut feelings. By placing $200 bets on 1.6 odds, and knowing bookmakers might not always get it right, you can turn losses into wins over time. This method of taking calculated risks and making smart choices can greatly increase your chances of making money in the long run.

But value betting is more than just spotting good odds. It also means managing your money well, sticking to a betting plan, and using advanced software. If you’re ready to bet a lot, you could see big profits. In short, for those willing to learn the betting market, value betting in sports and online betting can lead to steady earnings. It’s a solid choice compared to usual betting ways.

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What is value betting?

Value betting is a strategy that finds odds higher than the real chance of an event happening. This lets bettors place bets with a positive expected value (EV). This means they can make money over time.

How does value betting work?

It compares the real chance of an event with the odds from bookmakers. If the odds are higher than the real chance, it’s a value bet. Bettors then use this to place bets where they have a positive EV.

Is value betting profitable?

Yes, it can be profitable over the long term. By betting with a positive EV, bettors can get a higher return on investment (ROI). Successful bettors see ROIs between 8-12%, making it a good strategy.

What is the expected value formula in betting?

The expected value (EV) formula is EV = (Probability of Winning) x (Amount Won per Bet) – (Probability of Losing) x (Amount Lost per Bet). This formula shows if a bet will be profitable in the long run.

How do you calculate a value bet?

To calculate a value bet, compare the true probability with the bookmaker’s odds. If the odds offer a higher expected return, it’s a value bet. Tools like BetBurger help find these opportunities.

How do I start value betting?

Start by understanding probability and bookmaker odds. Use tools to find value bets and manage your money well. Staking plans like the Kelly Criterion help keep you disciplined and profitable.

What sports are best for value betting?

Many sports are good for value betting, like football, basketball, and tennis. Each sport has its own opportunities. Bettors often focus on sports they know well.

What tools can help in value betting?

Tools like RebelBetting, BetBurger, and OddsJam are key for finding value bets. They compare true probabilities with odds to show where you can make money. They also help manage and track your bets.

What is value betting in poker?

In poker, value betting means betting based on the live action and opponents’ behavior. Players bet on their hand’s value against others’ betting patterns to make more money.

What are common mistakes to avoid in value betting?

Avoid emotional betting, poor money management, and not looking for the best odds. Tools and staking plans can help avoid these mistakes and make you more profitable.

Rudra Chanda